Découvrez l'article du mois de septembre des Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, la revue scientifique en anglais de la SFC : 
Scientific statement from the French neurovascular and cardiac societies for improved detection of atrial fibrillation after ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 
Nicolas Gaillard, Jean-Claude Deharo, Laurent Suissa, Pascal Defaye, Igor Sibon, Christophe Leclercq, Sonia Alamowitch, Céline Guidoux, Ariel Cohen on behalf of the French Neurovascular Society French Society of Cardiology


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the primary cause of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack (TIA). AF is associated with a high risk of recurrence, which can be reduced using optimal prevention strategies, mainly anticoagulant therapy. The availability of effective prophylaxis justifies the need for a significant, coordinated and thorough transdisciplinary effort to screen for AF associated with stroke. A recent French national survey, initiated and supported by the Société française neurovasculaire (SFNV) and the Société française de cardiologie (SFC), revealed many shortcomings, such as the absence or inadequacy of tele­metry equipment in more than half of stroke units, insufficient and highly variable access to monitoring tools, delays in performing screening tests, heterogeneous access to advanced or connected ambulatory monitoring techniques, and a lack of dedicated human resources. The present scientific document has been prepared on the initiative of the SFNV and the SFC with the aim of helping to address the cur­rent shortcomings and gaps, to promote efficient and cost-effective AF detection, and to improve and, where possible, homogenize the quality of practice in AF screening among stroke units and outpatient post-stroke care networks. The working group, composed of cardiologists and vascular neurologists who are experts in the field and are nominated by their peers, reviewed the lite rature to propose statements, which were discussed in successive cycles, and maintained, either by consensus or by vote, as appropriate. The text was then submitted to the SFNV and SFC board members for review. This scientific statement document argues for the widespread development of patient pathways to enable the most efficient AF screening after stroke. This assessment should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team, including expert cardiologists and vascular rneurologists. 


• Atrial fibrillation 
• Stroke 
• Atrial fibrillation screening
• Atrial cardiomyopathy
• Cryptogenic stroke 

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